Piece By Piece, Dreams Come True

Piece By Piece: Dreams Come True

I hear Kelly Clarkson’s “piece by piece” as I have these moments. Moments where little by little, piece by piece, goal by goal, we make our dreams a reality. I mean, no, this hot tub isn’t the love of my life (I got him too! There is beauty after darkness, y’all) but it’s a small brick in the building of a foundation being rebuilt. All the cracks and paint chips being hand-crafted back to their original state, and then some.

I don’t say this to “brag” (although I think there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being proud or giddy over your accomplishments and blessings). I say it because the way we choose to live our life has taken sacrifice, discipline, vulnerability and uncomfortable times. We make due with what we are given and we save, budget, plan…. have patience and trust. Keep standing after a fall. Keep pushing each other on (or like this last year, Tim carrying me along with all the weight on his shoulders). We keep our eyes focused on the “big picture” of what we are creating for our family, friends, and others. So many dreams that we believe DO come true when we believe in their reality.

Are you living in “what ifs” or “someday when…” or are you dreaming up possibilities and true vision for your life!? One thing I’m always amazed by and love my husband for, is his reminder that “we have to claim what we want and what is possible” and that that’s true trust in God’s promises. True Faith. It’s easy to ask for things or wish them into existence but it’s another to live with the mentality that it’s already here. Joy is yours. Your life has purpose and that includes moments you’re receiving great things! It includes times you can sit back and enjoy an exhale of relief. (For a true Capricorn like me, I can be pessimistic or guilty of waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under me…that things are going “too good” and that my “punishment” is surely at the next turn).  THIS. IS. NOT. TRUTH.

You are created for a purpose. Your life can have abundance and provisions met. You can thrive and exceed expectations you may have short changed yourself on. Enjoy the moments. Enjoy every bit of the remodel…the building back up… the victories. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s selfish or terrible to enjoy those things. JOY comes in many forms and it does not have to fit in a box…. although maybe, that box will come with a heated waterfall and forceful jets. Who knows, right!?

Today, I’m going to be ever grateful and elated for this new addition. And very very soon, I will be soaking up (pun intended) every bit of the peace, relaxation, and quiet that it brings. Piece by piece. 

Love y’all!


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